All nominees must be a current resident of one of the nine states comprising the Mountain Plains membership area: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Please note: The first three awards are given by MPAEA, and the last three are awarded by the host state at the annual conference.
AWARD OF MERIT This award is to honor an individual who has made an outstanding contribution towards furthering the concept of adult education as a process continuing throughout life. The recipient must be a member of MPAEA. Their contribution may be on a community, state, regional or national level and need not be made within a specific time period but can range from one year to several years. This is the highest award given by the association. One award is given per year. | LAY LEADER OF THE YEAR This award is to honor people in professions outside education who have proven to be close friends or allies of adult education and lifelong learning. Examples include legislators, community leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, and others. The recipient need not be a member of MPAEA. One award is given per year. | AWARD OF EXCELLENCE This award, formerly the Award of Commendation, is to honor an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of adult education at the state or local level. The recipient must be a member of his/her state affiliate or MPAEA. One award is given per state. |
LEARNER OF THE YEAR Selected at the discretion of the state hosting the annual conference (hosting state determines selection criteria). | EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Selected at the discretion of the state hosting the annual conference (hosting state determines selection criteria). | LEGISLATOR OF THE YEAR Selected at the discretion of the state hosting the annual conference This award is to honor a legislator who has proven to be a strong supporter of adult education and lifelong learning. Candidates shall have utilized their influence in their respective legislatures to promote and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for the citizens of their state. |
*Requirements - Applicant must be working in an MPAEA member state and APPLICANT MUST BE A CURRENT MEMBER OF MPAEA. A membership application can be found here